Opening Doors, Not Building Walls
In the current political climate of division and dehumanisation, theĀ Church of Scotland are campaigning for something different. A world of open doors, and open minds. So that’s why they reached out to us at Muckle Hen.
In communities up and down the country people are feeling the effects of isolation; especially those with disabilities. Churches can be an essential tool for reflection and meditation, but they also function as a space for coming together. But are these spaces doing enough to make this happen? That is what our animation attempts to change.
Our short animation aims to change the perception and stigma attached to disability, and encourage people to be more active in their parishes. By using bright, colourful shapes for our characters, we wanted to convey the notion that although people come in all shapes and sizes, we are all beautifully unique in our own way.
Directed/written by Hannah Robinson, and animated by Oana Nechifor, the animation will be used as a tool for discussion in local parishes in 2017 to promote a more inclusive community. On top of this, it will be shown at the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly later this month.