ICAS is the oldest accountancy institute in the world with over 20,000 world-class business men and women who work in the UK and in more than 100 countries around the world. Being a member of ICAS is like wearing a badge of honour.
Muckle Hen was tasked to create film showcasing ICAS as a global entity bursting with innovation and diversity. We wanted to show that ICAS was fundamentally more than just an organisation but instead a powerful network of entrepreneurs and at the forefront of innovation and diversity. One of our main visual motifs was to show the global reach that ICAS possess which was shown through our multi-shoot of London, Sydney, Hong Kong, and Edinburgh. Coupled with the eclectic cast of current ICAS members, we wanted to highlight collaboration as a central ethos for their organisation.
We really wanted the audience to feel connected to the characters and by getting a sense of what’s going on behind their eyes. By conveying their passion, courage and humanity without them saying a word, our aim was to inspire and excite passion in comparison to a more academic approach. For them, ICAS works best at a human level.
Atholl Duncan, Executive Director, ICASWe asked Muckle Hen to produce an inspiring, high impact and creative treatment which summed up our brand and they delivered big time. They are not only great to work with but also highly efficient and extremely professional.