For our clients, making films is an enjoyable, collaborative, creative endeavour, which produces something for them of real value, whether they are making something to gee up their troops internally, or raise their profile externally. They enjoy it because we really do try and take the worry and troubles off their shoulders. And in the case of the shoot on the right for Northlink Ferries, we pass it onto the shoulders of Lighting Cameraman Jan Pester, who carried around that steadicam rig for three days!
For some people new to the process however it can be a little daunting. You don’t know how developed an idea you need, or how you might schedule filming, or who you need to involve. Don’t worry about that – we’ll guide you through that process, but for a quick and slightly irreverent guide to making corporate films, this guy from the States has some pretty good advice.
OCome back to this blog, we’ll be writing it every week, with news of what we’re doing, and links to other interesting bits and bobs.