What makes a corporate video, not corporate?
We get that question a lot, and it’s a question we at Muckle Hen care quite a bit about.
It doesn’t matter if you are a financial institute or a corporate global force, your identity doesn’t have to follow suit. With the rise of video on Facebook it is imperative, now more than ever, to interact with the largest growing customer database. This is where we come in. Our films are centred around showing off your unique personality that can often be overlooked.
Our biggest influence is cinema and we strive to make big, loud and beautiful stories through a combination of artistic and technical innovation. As leaders in the field, we recognise the power of pushing boundaries, which is why our filming process uses the finest cutting-edge technology to create something truly special.
If you’ve never made a corporate video before and you’re struggling with what you need to prepare, then struggle no more! We spell out how clear a creative idea you need to have for us to do our magic.
Our white paper is a bible on corporate film. We concisely explain the steps you need to take to produce the great film your company deserves.
Simply fill in the form below and we’ll send a copy to you within the next few hours!
If of course you still have questions, please get in touch at info@mucklehen.com