Firstly, we are in no way advocating that you should throw anything at anyone. Eggs are far too precious here in the chicken coop to be wastefully exploded on the heads of hapless politicians. However there does appear to be something of a tradition of using eggs as the weapon of choice when deciding how to inconvenience the political classes.
And however much, you might assume this is a recent development in the usage of eggs – you’d be wrong. It goes back hundreds of years…. honestly. If you don’t believe me… have a look at the answer to this question: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=217280 . Now there’s a person with too much time on their hands!
There have been many memorable incidents in recent years where the humble egg has become the centre of the story. The John Prescott egg retaliation moment will live long in the annals of the egg as political agitator.
Actually you don’t have to throw eggs at politicians. There is a World governing body for egg throw events (How far can you throw and have safely caught a raw egg – the record is over 300 feet!! 300!!) Anyway, you can find out more about that here
Happy Hurling!