As film becomes more widespread and everyone is making films, using cameras, setting beautiful images to music, posting them on Vimeo and YouTube, and many other sites too numerous to mention, it strikes the hen; do we have the right?
Not do we have the right to make films, of course we all do. It’s a fantastic outburst of occasionally stunning creativity. But film making used to be an event, an effort that required people to consent to being involved. With the new technology that consent has disappeared.
There is a film posted on vimeo that is a beautifully shot, with a great soundtrack and great editing. It’s London shot from a bus. Some of the people may have known they were being filmed, although very few I’m sure knew what for, but many had no idea at all. For most this may not be an issue, but it includes at one point a woman, completely recognisable and totally oblivious to the camera, breastfeeding a baby at a bus stop. Now I absolutely agree we should be championing the right of women to breastfeed anywhere they want, but do we really have the right to film them while they are doing it? Do we have the right to film anybody for entertainment without their knowledge or consent?
At what point should the cameras stop rolling?