The concept of Pinhole cameras has been around since Italian artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci first described it in his study for perspective. The fascination with this type of camera is that it can be made from almost anything, even eggs!
In this part of our ongoing series 101 Things to do with an Egg we took inspiration from artist and photographer Francesco Capponi. In this article, Francesco compares the process from the pinhole camera to photograph to that of egg to baby bird. And so the Hens thought we’d better get cracking!
So to make your own Pinhegg you will need the following…
Eggs (might not get it first time!), Pinhole, Liquid photographic emulsion, Photographic acid (processing and fixing), Adhesive tape, Black cloth, A garden, Stubbornness, Patience, More Patience!
If you follow Francesco’s instructions, you should have a successful working Pinhegg. The Hens however, well we didn’t quite have the same results….